Nandor is the second in the Nador Tales series.  It’s another of those books that’s sat on my digital to be read pile for almost year.


Nandor, by Martin Owton

All credit to Mr Owton, because with sixteen months between reading the first and second book, I found myself sucked back in the story of Aron of Darien. This time,  Aron returns to Nandor after learning of Earl Baldwin’s murder at the hands of his scheming nephew, Tancred.

All the book 1 characters—humans and goddesses—make an appearance, including those out for revenge thanks to Aron’s crossdressing in the first book! What’s great to see is further character development of the protagonists and our introduction to the infamous city of Keshan. My only criticism is that Keshan could have been more infamous!

The story’s conclusion is satisfying and ties up several loose strands from book 1. This does make me wonder what the author has in store for us with book 3.

If you're looking for some old school fantasy (reading these books reminds me of Poul Anderson's, 1961, Three Hearts and Three Lions), you can't go wrong with this series.


Image:, 18-Dec-2017


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