Week commencing 9th April 2018

My thanks to Marie A, Layla A and an anonymous reader for their reviews and ratings of Hotsuka’s Story on Amazon, Goodreads and Kobo, respectively.
To the developers of Inkarnate for providing access to their mapping software in beta testing—thank you for letting me try this interesting piece of software.
And finally, thank you to all the people at worldbuilding.com who produce a free digital magazine on all things world building. I’m so looking forward to reading issue 1. Note: they’ve published 7 issues since April 2017.

Weeks 16th to 23rd April 2018

My thanks to Michelle W, Marianne P and Scott P for their emails and the reviews they posted on Amazon and Goodreads for the first 5 books in the series. Your emails came while I was on holiday, and they were each a great start to my day! And thank you to Cathy for her rating on Goodreads.
On a non-writing note, thank you Ginny for organising last week’s break, which was relaxing, involved eating well but not putting on any weight due to all the walking we did!


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