The Baka Djinn Chronicles

The djinn are among us. Those fighting to save our world from destruction live in the hidden city of Baka.
Set in an alternate world to ours, the Baka Djinn Chronicles recount the adventures of Baka’s inhabitants during 600 BCE.
This series can be bought online from numerous retailers (e.g., Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble). Click a book image to visit its Book2Read page and select your favourite retailer.

Centuries after King Solomon’s death, the djinn are still searching for the seal, a heavenly ring he used to subdue them. The djinn are dying, and now their fate lies in the hands of Roshan, a young woman unaware she can weave a new and dangerous magic. Can Roshan find the seal and save the djinn, or will her newfound magic doom them?

The Seal is the first of a three-book fantasy series. If you like stories packed with ancient civilisations, mythological beasts and vengeful spirts, grab yourself a copy!

On a mission to Arshak, Roshan causes a terrible accident that allows High Magus Sassan to capture over thirty daevas.

Meanwhile, Armaiti gives Sassan the one thing King Fiqitush most desires: Solomon’s seal.

While Roshan struggles to control the sabaoth magic, Navid leaves for Arshak to learn what Sassan is up to with the daevas. What he discovers horrifies him and prompts a rescue mission.

Aware they could be walking into a trap, Roshan, Navid and Behrouz sneak into Arshak. Can they free the prisoners, or will they become Sassan’s next victims?

High Magus Sassan and his army appear outside a sand-filled and crumbling Baka. If she’s going to help the djinn and daevas ready the city for war, Roshan must put aside her desire to take the fight to the high magus. Doing so, however, will leave her weak and vulnerable.

Meanwhile, worried about Yesfir, Behrouz and Zana are desperate to rescue her. When ordered to remain in Baka, Zana goes in search of the Cross Scar manticores for help.

As guardsmen and golems begin their attack on Baka, Roshan must make an impossible choice that will either save the djinn and daevas or doom Baka and its inhabitants to unending slavery.

Shafira witnesses an ominous encounter between her ambitious husband, Shalman, and a merchant in the bazaar. Later that day, she receives devastating news: Shalman killed himself.

Convinced Shalman would never commit suicide, Shafira discovers a clue that could uncover what really happened to him. But there’s a problem: the clue is locked inside a box only a djinni can open.

Even if Shafira can find a djinni willing to unlock the box, is she prepared for what she finds inside it?

A prequel to the first three books of the Baka Djinn Chronicles, Shafira tells the story of how Roshan’s and Navid’s parents met.

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