February’s Monthly Mentions

February’s Monthly Mentions

Here are February's Monday mentions. Thanks to everyone for your help and support this month! Week Commencing 5th February 2018 My thanks to Tim L and Barbara GD for their reviews of Hotsuka’s Story and Omid’s Story, respectively. Your endorsements mean a lot to me....
February’s Monthly Mentions

January’s Monthly Mentions

January's Monday Mentions are as follows: Week Commencing 1st January To Barbara G-D and Tanya W for their reviews of both Hotsuka's Story and Barid's Story. Week Commencing 8th January Annie B and Amazon C for their reviews of Hotsuka’s Story. Carly N, Gary C, Viraf...
December’s Monthly Mentions

December’s Monthly Mentions

December's monthly mentions are as follows: Week Commencing 4th December I’d like to say thank you to Patricia S and Angelina K for their Amazon reviews of Hotsuka’s Story.  I’d also like to thank Kelli S for organising a Reviewer Roundup, which has been very helpful...
February’s Monthly Mentions

November’s Monthly Mentions

November's monthly mentions are as follows: Week commencing 6th November Thank you to the following readers who’ve been kind enough to leave a review of Book 1, Hotsuka’s Story. I really appreciate the time you’ve put into writing them. So, my thanks go to: Phil S,...
September’s Monthly Mentions

September’s Monthly Mentions

It's that time of the month when I reflect on all the good things that have happened to me during September and say a big THANK YOU! Thank you to the folks at Deranged Doctor Designs for producing 6 fantastic book covers. It was fun working with these designers. They...